Subclass 132- Business Talent (Permanent) Visa


Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream

The Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream of the subclass 132 visa allows people who have sourced venture capital funding from an Australian venture capital firm to migrate permanently to Australia. If you wish to apply for this visa, you must first lodge an Expression of Interest. If this is successful, and you are nominated by a State or Territory, you will be invited to lodge a visa application. The minimum requirements for this stream are set out below:

(For applicants who have obtained the requisite funding from an Australian venture capital firm.)



At the time that you are invited to apply for this visa, you must:

  • be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency
  • genuinely wish to own, and maintain a major management role in, a business in Australia

In addition, you (and your spouse/de facto partner, if applicable) must have had no involvement in unacceptable business or investment activities.


Venture Capital Funding

You must have entered into a legally enforceable agreement with an Australian venture capital firm to receive at least AU$1 million in funding for:

  • the early-phase start-up, development or expansion of a business in Australia; or
  • the commercialisation of a product in Australia

Note: The venture capital firm must be a member of the Australian Investment Council (AIC). This was formerly known as the Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association Limited (AVCAL). The category of membership must be that of Venture Capital Membership.


Net Assets

The State or Territory government agency that nominates your application must be satisfied that you (and/or your spouse or de facto partner, if applicable) have net business and personal assets sufficient to allow you to settle in Australia.

Any Questions?

Book a consultation now for more details and assessment of your eligibility for a subclass 132 visa

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