Subclass 408- Temporary Activity (sporting activities) Visa

The Subclass 408 Temporary Activity Sporting Activities visa allows overseas sportspeople to temporarily live in Australia in order to work as an elite player, coach, instructor or adjudicator, or to participate in a full-time structured sports training programme. A visa for this type of activity is valid for a maximum of two years.

The minimum requirements for sportspeople applying for this visa are as follows:

For sportspeople who wish to play, coach, instruct, or adjudicate at an elite level in Australia, or to participate in a full-time structured sports training programme.

Sponsorship / Support

You must be sponsored by a sporting organisation IF:

  • you are in Australia when you lodge your application OR
  • you are outside Australia, and you intend to stay in Australia for more than 3 months

The organisation sponsoring your application must meet the sponsorship test, which requires it to be formally approved as a sponsor (see ‘Sponsorship Application’ on the following page), and to agree in writing to sponsor your visa application.

If you are outside Australia, and you intend to stay in Australia for 3 months or LESS, then you do not need to be sponsored for this visa. Instead, the sporting organisation must meet the ‘support test’, which requires it to supply a letter inviting you to participate in the relevant sporting activity.

The sporting organisation seeking to sponsor or support your application must:

  • be an Australian organisation that is lawfully operating in Australia OR an Australian government agency OR a foreign government agency operating in Australia
  • administer or promote sport or sporting events
  • if sponsoring or supporting you as a sports trainee:
    • have an international reputation for training elite sportspeople or adjudicators
    • NOT be a sporting club that primarily competes in sporting competitions below the national level for that sport

NOTE: In addition, there must not be any adverse information known that is relevant to its suitability as an approved sponsor or supporter. Adverse information includes (but is not limited to) contraventions of Commonwealth, State or Territory Laws relating to matters such as immigration, industrial relations or taxation; pending investigations or disciplinary actions; being the subject of administrative action for possible contravention of the law; insolvency; or having provided bogus documents or false/misleading information to the Department of Home Affairs (the DOHA).

Visa Applicant

As the visa applicant, you must:

  • if sponsored or supported as a sports trainee:
    • participate in a full-time structured sports training programme in Australia that is designed to achieve a high-performance outcome
    • be currently competing or adjudicating at the Australian national level (or equivalent) OR be endorsed by the relevant peak sporting body (in Australia or overseas) as having the potential to compete or adjudicate at the Australian national level
  • if sponsored or supported as an elite player, coach, instructor, or adjudicator:
    • have a contractual arrangement with the organisation that has invited you to participate in the relevant sporting activity
    • be endorsed by the relevant Australian national sporting body, which must attest that you have the ability to play, coach, instruct, or adjudicate at the national level
  • genuinely intend to undertake the relevant sporting activity
  • be able to support yourself financially during your stay in Australia
  • have made adequate arrangements for health insurance during your stay in Australia
  • meet the relevant health and character requirements

Any Questions

Book a consultation now for more details and assessment of your eligibility for a subclass 408 visa

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