Subclass 408- Temporary Activity (Australian Government Endorsed events) Visa

The subclass 408 Temporary Activity visa allows overseas persons to temporarily live in Australia in order to participate in certain events endorsed by the Australian Government. A visa for this type of activity is valid for the duration of the event, or a maximum of four years, depending upon the pathway used and the particular circumstances of the visa applicant.

The minimum requirements for those applying for this visa are as follows:



You must be endorsed in writing by the event organiser OR be applying under the COVID‑19 Pandemic event arrangements. The current pathways are:

  • COVID-19 Pandemic event
  • ‘Supporting Innovation in South Australia’ (SISA) event

NOTE: these pathways are subject to change based on the requirements of the Government

Visa Applicant

As the visa applicant, you must:

  • genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia and undertake the specified activity/work
  • be able to support yourself financially during your stay in Australia
  • have made adequate arrangements for health insurance during your stay in Australia
  • meet the relevant health and character requirements

If applying under the SISA pathway, you MUST ALSO:

  • be under 45 years of age
  • provide a supporting business plan for your innovative idea in an eligible business (as supplied to the South Australian Government)
  • have the required level of English proficiency e.
  • hold a valid passport issued by the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand or the Republic of Ireland (and you are a citizen of that country) OR
  • an IELTS test score of at least 0 in EACH test component OR
  • an OET test score of at least B in EACH test component OR
  • TOEFL iBT test scores of at least 4 for listening, 4 for reading, 14 for writing and 14 for speaking OR
  • a PTE test score of at least 36 in EACH component OR
  • a Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE) test score of at least 154 in EACH test component

NOTE: In each case, the test must have been undertaken within the last three years.

If applying under the COVID-19 Pandemic event pathway, you MUST ALSO:

  • be in Australia AND
  • meet ONE of the following sets of criteria (Employment in a Critical Sector OR Visa of Last Resort):
  1. Employment in a Critical Sector

To qualify based on employment in a critical sector, you must:

  • at the time of your application, hold a temporary visa that expires within the next 90 days, OR have previously held a temporary visa that expired within the last 28 days


  • not be able to apply for any other temporary visa in Australia (based on your intended activities)

NOTE: the requirement to have no other visa options does not apply if you have an eligible offer of employment in the aged care sector, and you cannot leave Australia due to the COVID-19 Pandemic travel restrictions. In this situation, you will also qualify if you hold a temporary visa that is subject to a ‘no work’ condition (i.e. even if your visa does not expire within the next 90 days)

You must also:

  • be employed by (or have an offer of employment from) an employer in one of the following critical sectors: aged care; agriculture; child care; disability care; food processing; health care; or tourism and hospitality

NOTE: If you hold (or last held) a subclass 403 visa under the Seasonal Worker Program (SWP), you must be employed by (or have an offer of employment from) an approved employer under the SWP

  • be able to show that your role cannot be filled by an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • if applicable, meet licencing and registration requirements (e.g. medical/nursing)
  1. Visa of Last Resort

To qualify for a visa of last resort, you must:

  • be unable to depart Australia due to the COVID-19 Pandemic travel restrictions
  • at the time of your application, hold a temporary visa that expires within the next 90 days OR have previously held a temporary visa that expired within the last 28 days
  • not be able to apply for any other temporary visa in Australia (based on your intended activities)

NOTE: eligible temporary visa holders include (but are not limited to) Working Holidays Makers who are not eligible for a second or third year

Any Questions?

Book a consultation now for more details and assessment of your eligibility for a subclass 408 visa

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