The purpose of the Subclass 870 Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa is to allow the parents of Australian citizens, permanent residents, and eligible New Zealand citizens to reside in Australia temporarily for up to a total of ten years. The minimum requirements for this visa are as follows:


Visa Applicant

As the visa applicant, you must:

  • be the parent (biological or adoptive), step-parent, or parent-in-law of your approved Australian family sponsor (see below)
  • be at least 18 years of age
  • genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia
  • have access to sufficient funds to cover your costs whilst you are in Australia
  • meet health and character requirements
  • have adequate health insurance for your stay in Australia
  • have no outstanding Australian public health debts, and have complied with all previous visa obligations (conditions)

Australian Child

Your Australian family sponsor must:

  • be an Australian citizen, OR an Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who has been usually and lawfully resident in Australia for at least the last 4 years
  • be at least 18 years old, and willing to sponsor your application
  • not have a spouse or de facto partner who is either a current parent sponsor or a previous parent sponsor who has breached a sponsorship obligation
  • have a taxable income (either alone OR in combination with eligible family members) of at least AUD83,454.80 per year

NOTE: Only the sponsor’s spouse/de facto partner, and/or ONE other of your children who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible NZ citizen, are eligible family members for this purpose. If a combination of incomes is used to meet this requirement, the sponsor’s taxable income must be at least 50% of the threshold amount.

  • have no outstanding public health or Commonwealth debts, or more than 2 parents sponsored at any one time (this also applies to the sponsor’s spouse or de facto partner)
  • meet character requirements, including the requirement to disclose criminal convictions to the visa applicant before the sponsorship approved

Any Questions

Book a consultation now for more details and assessment of your eligibility for a subclass 870 visa

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