Subclass 188 -Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa


Business Innovation Stream

The Business Innovation Stream of the subclass 188 visa provides a pathway to permanent residency for successful businesspeople who want to own and manage a business in Australia. If you wish to apply for this visa, which is valid for up to five years, you must first lodge an Expression of Interest. If this is successful, and you are nominated by a State or Territory of Australia, you will be invited to lodge an application for this visa.

The minimum requirements for the subclass 188 Business Innovation stream are set out below:



At the time that you are invited to apply for this visa, you must:

  • be under 55 years of age (unless your proposed business or investment activity is considered to be of exceptional economic benefit to the nominating State or Territory)
  • genuinely wish to own, and maintain a major management role in, a business in Australia
  • score at least 65 on the innovation points test (which takes into account your age, English competency, qualifications, experience, turnover and assets, amongst other factors)
  • be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency

NOTE: You may need to meet additional criteria in order to qualify for nomination by your chosen State/Territory’s government.


Business Experience

  • you must have had a successful business career
  • in at least two out of the last four financial years, your main business(es) must have had an annual turnover of at least AU$750,000
  • Note: Of that main business (or main two businesses), you (and your spouse/de facto partner, if applicable) must own at least: 
    • 51% where the turnover was less than AU$400,000 per annum
    • 30% where the turnover was AU$400,000 or more per annum
    • 10% where the business was a publicly listed company
  • if your business(es) provided professional, technical or trade services during at least two out of the last four years, you must have spent less than half of your time directly providing those services (as opposed to general management of the business)
  • you (and your spouse/de facto partner, if applicable) must have had no involvement in unacceptable business or investment activities


Net Assets

You (and/or your spouse or de facto partner, if applicable) must have total net business and personal assets of at least AU$1.25 million, that can be legally transferred to Australia within two years of the date that your visa is granted

Any Questions?

Book a consultation now for more details and assessment of your eligibility for a subclass 188 visa

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