Subclass 408- Temporary Activity (Special Program) Visa

The subclass 408 Temporary Activity Special Program visa allows overseas persons to temporarily live in Australia in order to participate in an approved special program that enhances international relations and cultural exchange. A visa for this type of activity is valid for a maximum of two years.

The minimum requirements for those applying for this visa are as follows:

(For applicants who have been invited to participate in an approved special program in Australia.)

Sponsorship / Support

You must be sponsored for this visa IF:

  • you are in Australia when you lodge your application OR
  • you are outside Australia, and you intend to stay in Australia for more than 3 months

Your sponsor must:

  • be an Australian organisation that is lawfully and actively operating in Australia OR be an Australian government agency OR be a foreign government agency operating in Australia
  • meet the sponsorship test, which requires it to be formally approved as a sponsor (see ‘Sponsorship Application’ on the following page), and agree in writing to sponsor your visa application

If you are outside Australia, and you intend to stay in Australia for 3 months or LESS, then you do not need to be sponsored for this visa. Instead, the person or organisation must meet the ‘support test’, which requires it to supply a letter inviting you to take part in the special program.

The organisation or agency seeking to sponsor or support your application must be conducting one of the following types of programs:

  • Youth Exchange program: this allows participants the opportunity to engage with the Australian community on a full-time basis for the purposes of international understanding and cultural enrichment. Youth exchange organisations are expected to provide opportunities for young Australians to have a similar experience overseas
  • Cultural Enrichment or Community Benefit program: this is any activity that enables the exchange of differing ideas, beliefs, rituals, customs and traditions between people with different or similar ethnic or social backgrounds (generally participation in such a program will be on a full-time basis and will last between 3 and 12 months). Examples include teaching languages and culture; volunteer community outreach work; and religious or socio-cultural activities.
  • School-to-School Interchange program: this allows Australian schools that have reciprocal arrangements with schools overseas to invite participants to Australia to be assistants at the school for up to 12 months. Often referred to as a ‘gap year’ program.
  • School Language Assistants program: this allows Australian schools to invite young persons intending to pursue a teaching career to obtain some initial experience by assisting qualified Australian language teachers in language and cultural matters for up to 12 months. Generally, schools are limited to hosting one participant at a time.

Your sponsor/supporter must also:

  • be a community-based, non-profit organisation* that is lawfully and actively operating in Australia OR an Australian government agency

*Organisations conducting a Youth Exchange program are NOT required to be community-based or non-profit, and must only show that they are lawfully and actively operating in Australia

  • have an approved Special Program Agreement with the Department of Home Affairs (unless conducting a School-to-School Interchange or School Language Assistants program)

NOTE: In addition, there must not be any adverse information known that is relevant to its suitability as an approved sponsor or supporter. Adverse information includes (but is not limited to) contraventions of Commonwealth, State or Territory Laws relating to matters such as immigration, industrial relations or taxation; pending investigations or disciplinary actions; being the subject of administrative action for possible contravention of the law; insolvency; or having provided bogus documents or false/misleading information to the Department of Home Affairs (the DOHA).

Visa Applicant

As the visa applicant, you must:

  • have been invited to participate in the relevant special program
  • genuinely intend to take part in the program
  • be able to support yourself financially during your stay in Australia
  • have made adequate arrangements for health insurance during your stay in Australia
  • meet the relevant health and character requirements
  • meet further requirements based on the type of special program involved:

I. Youth Exchange program

  • you should be aged between 18 and 30 years old
  • any work experience placement involved in the program is directly related to tertiary studies that you have completed during the last 3 years. Such work experience must be supernumerary and must not displace an Australian employee
  • you must be under constant supervision in your position
  • any study component of the program must not exceed 20%
  • you must not previously have worked in a position with similar duties at the same skill level

II. Cultural Enrichment or Community Benefit program:

  • the program should be between 3 and 12 months in duration

III. School-to-School Interchange program:

  • you should be aged between 17 and 25 years old
  • you are seeking a ‘gap year’ to take place immediately after finishing secondary school and before starting further studies, training or employment
  • you intend to work as a voluntary assistant for the Australian school, and will not be replacing qualified teaching staff or taking formal classes by yourself

IV. School Language Assistants program:

  • you should be aged between 18 and 30 years old
  • you intend to pursue a career in teaching, are not yet qualified and have no more than 12 months of experience of classroom teaching experience


Any Questions

Book a consultation now for more details and assessment of your eligibility for a subclass 408 visa

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